For the holidays…

With Thanksgiving (and Black Friday) only a couple of weeks away, the holiday season is on the horizon. This can be a very special, fun and holy time of year, but these next several weeks can also be a time that is tough for many of us.
Any one with past trauma involving the holidays may find old, unhelpful internal tapes running at full speed.
Those of us in blended families can find the holidays both a blessing and a hurtful reminder of tough times.
Personal budgets can take a hit with all the parties, gift exchanges and Secret Santas that seem more popular every year.
Depending on where you live, you may be adjusting to colder temps and shorter days which usually means less fresh air and sunshine.
Our diets go out the window and we consume large amounts of sugar and alcohol. Both of these can wreak havoc on our bodies and increase our feelings of depression and anxiety.
All of these factors can bring us to Christmas feeling tired, stressed and worn out.
Just in case there are any of you who are struggling, here are a few ideas that might be helpful to keep in mind.
Be kind to yourself
The holidays can be tough. Don’t be afraid to carve out some quiet time, grab a cup of coffee or tea and find some twinkly lights to enjoy.
Don’t buy the hype
Ignore the tv commercials. A new car is not a common Christmas gift. More people are getting new travel mugs, and who doesn’t love a new travel mug?
Most importantly, create space for family and friends
Time with the people we love is everything. Delicious food is a wonderful holiday tradition, but it’s the time with our family and friends that is truly nourishing. Worry less about the decorations and allow yourself time to be truly present for your loved ones.
Having said all this, please take your feelings seriously. If you’re experiencing a great deal of sadness this holiday season, please give me a call. You are important.